Monday, May 26, 2008

Life's Little Luxuries

I've been thinking a lot about little things... sleeping in late on the weekend, just sitting quietly and drinking a cup of coffee in the mornings, reading a good book before bed... but it occurs to me, maybe they're not so much little luxuries as they are blessings! I've been very aware lately of how very blessed I am... and I am so grateful for it!

A year ago at this time, I had just finished my final project for my MA, we had just moved all the big stuff out of my apartment, into storage, and were preparing for another few days of intense packing and cleaning. After that was complete, then it was onto finish my final-final paper, participate in commencement, move into the new apartment, finish wedding preparations, get married, and find a job... *whew*!

Given that, you can see why I'm feeling so blessed by this year's quieter pace. Also am very grateful for the family and friends who have been such a blessing and an encouragement through everything ... the crazy and the quiet!

One final thought: Happy Family Reunion Day!!! (You know who you are.)

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