Monday, February 23, 2009 sleepy....

Seriously, I want to take a nap! :) When did I start going to bed early? Or getting up early and making coffee first thing? I don't know whether to blame it on getting older... or to be grateful that I can still be in charge of my getting-up- and going-to-bed- times... because as I hear from my friends who already have kids, that won't always be the case!

It's not just the early bedtimes, or the coffee drinking,though. It's also the knees popping when I stand up to walk across the room, the gray hairs that are multiplying at an alarming rate, the realization that the teenage hostess at the restaurant probably regards The Princess Bride as an old movie!

I don't know, maybe I'll feel better after I take a nap.

At least I don't need prune juice yet.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It's Getting Thick!

Every place I've lived has had its own regional idiosyncrasies. Growing up in the country, I was used to the sounds of coyotes and bullfrogs at night, of sheep and cattle hailing mealtimes... in northeast Pasadena, it was the wild peacocks who roamed our neighborhoods... now in Ventura, it's the all-pervasive smell of fertilizer. Mind you, I don't mean chemical additives... I mean straight-out-of-the-business-end-of-large-farm-animals fertilizer! Yes, it's that time of year, when they're fertilizing the fields in hopes of yielding a crop of the strawberries that are known and loved throughout Southern California.

One of my favorite roads takes me through an agricultural area with lush green fields on both sides... on a side note, it's not usually on my way, but it is my reigning favorite detour! Despite the fact that I enjoy driving this road, I rarely stop to ask how it gets so green. This time of year, I am reminded. All of the fields have been fertilized... and you can smell it for miles around! I walk out of the grocery store, the mall, the convenience store... no matter where I am, I can smell it.

It kind of stinks - pardon the pun - because we're having BEAUTIFUL weather right now, the kind of weather that makes you want to roll down your windows and enjoy the warm air and sunshine. Here's how that went today:
ME: (getting in my car, turning onto the street, leaving my window up while I drive past the beach tourists so that they don't overhear if i complain about them) What a beautiful day! I think I'm going to crack my window!
(rolling down the window, inhaling deeply) Aw, crap! It's that time of year!!!

And that was the end of that. Okay, so I actually left the window cracked... the day was prettier than the stink was bad. Plus, it felt like a timely, poignant... or timely, pungent... reminder from the Lord that sometimes you have to live through the stinky parts of life to get to the lush green fields. What's important to keep in mind is that the fields are that much lusher, greener, and sweeter for having survived the crap.