Monday, February 23, 2009 sleepy....

Seriously, I want to take a nap! :) When did I start going to bed early? Or getting up early and making coffee first thing? I don't know whether to blame it on getting older... or to be grateful that I can still be in charge of my getting-up- and going-to-bed- times... because as I hear from my friends who already have kids, that won't always be the case!

It's not just the early bedtimes, or the coffee drinking,though. It's also the knees popping when I stand up to walk across the room, the gray hairs that are multiplying at an alarming rate, the realization that the teenage hostess at the restaurant probably regards The Princess Bride as an old movie!

I don't know, maybe I'll feel better after I take a nap.

At least I don't need prune juice yet.

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